Be a Gamer.

Popping out in foul territory. Striking out looking. Swinging and missing on a hanging breaking ball. Being late on an 0-2 fastball…

…these are hands down some of the worst feelings in baseball, for hitters.

Here’s a possible antidote. It starts with a quote…

“Instead of trying to be great, be good consistently. Greatness is being consistently good”.

In other words…instead of being the next “Mike Trout” or “Cody Bellinger”, be the guy who makes the pitcher pay when he leaves a breaking ball up in the zone, who does damage in hitter’s counts or who battles with behind in the count, consistently…

See – this doesn’t mean you have to hit 450-foot homers, run a 6.3 60 yard-dash or have a cannon for an arm…

…it just means, you know how to play the game.

You’re a gamer.

What’s a gamer? Great question.

A gamer:

  • competes w/ the intention to win ball games.

  • plays both sides of the field well.

  • makes their teammates better.

  • works on the little things.

  • builds on strengths and weaknesses.

Requires zero talent, and the process is 100% within your control.

So the only relevant question is this…

how bad do you want it?


P.S. We see the ball well when we’re confident. We’re confident when we see the ball well.

Train to see the ball well, effectively, then confidence comes rolling at your feet.


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