5 pitch recogntiion drills a day. 5 days a week. This is the pitch recognition training regiment that Bryan Austin implemented witht the Jackson Indians.
Slow start sure. But they got the work in.
Held each hitter accountable for getting their pitch recognition reps in.
Why is pitch recogniton training important?
It allows the work, training and refinments you make with a hitter’s swing & approach to surface because you’re seeing the ball as best as possible.
A sweet swing and sound approach plays, but only when the visual components are set in place, correctly and effecienty”.
If you love your swing and approach but your hard contact % is down, you’re chasing pitches you have no business chasing, or worse you’re NOT swining at pitches you should be driving with authority…
…there’s a DANG good chance you’re not seeing the ball as well as you could….or should.
How do you begin seeing the ball better?
Well – I we can tell you it’s not closing your eyes and “hoping” you learn the skill. In fact that’s the opposite.
Do what top college programs, pro ball clubs and elite hitetrs do…
…train with tools that help you move the needle. Period.
Pro & College Level Pitch Recogntion & Vision Training Sequences.
Speciality Pitch Recogntion & Vision Training Sequences.